Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Self Talk - Self Sabotage

Observations on self sabotage. I was just finishing a 5 mile walk at a 4 mph rate when I realized I was telling myself that wasn't much of an exercise. I was telling myself that I should have pushed harder - gone to the gym - hike in the hills - that a 5 mile walk at 4 mph on city streets wasn't really much of an exercise - because of serious back problems running is out of the question.

Then I realized I do that a lot. I minimize my accomplishments and think of them as less than what I should or could be doing.

Do you ever do that?

This input of self imposed negative messages - that we should do more, what we've done isn't that great, compared to others, we don't measure up, has the long term effect of creating in our minds a feeling of not good enough, not as good as, not really able, not really worthy. And we do it to ourselves!

Wow! A five mile walk at a good rate on a day when exercising in any form was a push because of other commitments. And then end it with a dose of self criticism for not doing more. Self sabotage at its best - or worst!

Take a look at your own self talk - see if it helps you or hinders you. If you're guilty of minimizing your own accomplishments, work on getting that kind of self talk out of your system.

It's not easy - it's a sneaky habit of thought that can get really imbedded. Start work on it by becoming conscious that you're doing it. Start today.

Written by Andy Cox, President
Cox Consulting Group LLC, 4049 E Vista Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Ph: 602-795-4100; Fax: 602-795-4800; E Mail: acox@coxconsultgroup.com; Website: www.coxconsultgroup.com.
Copyright 2007 All Rights reserved

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