Thursday, January 18, 2007

Focus - What You Think Is What You Get

Ever noticed how - when you really, really want something, and you focus your thinking on getting it and all the good that it will bring, that more often than not it comes true. On the other hand, have you ever noticed that when you want something and think about all the things that could go wrong, they do?

A friend is a mountain biker. He says every time he concentrates on a rock in his path, he ends up riding over it. A fly fisherman friend says every time he thinks about snagging in the tree behind him when he casts , he ends up snagging that tree. A gymnast friend tells me he won't allow hmself to think about falling off the still rings, because if he does, he will end up falling off.
What we think is what we get.

A dear friend confides in me that his expectation when he meets new people is that it will result in a negative situation - indifference, dismissal, or some other combination of negative outcomes. He has absolutely no reason to feel that way - but he does. His interactions with new people usually end up with him being pleasantly surprised that the other person was friendly. But his thinking of negative expectations keeps him fom seeking out new people in his life.

One of the key steps to success is being able to cut through all of our self imposed crap and examine the kinds of thinking we do. Do a self examination - be brutally honest with yourself. After all, you don't have to share your findings with anyone other than yourself. Find out if your focus and thinking takes you toward what you want, or keeps you from getting there. It's not an easy exercise, and the longer you have been thinking negative self thoughts the longer it may take to overcome them. But the reward for your effort will really be worth it - I guarantee it.

Start today - start now - do it!

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