Monday, August 28, 2006

The Status Quo In Sales - The Real Competitor

Here's the real secret to success or failure in selling - be it selling your ideas, or your products, or your services. The secret to success is being there when the prospect's continuing to do things the way they have been done - the Status Quo - isn't working.

How often have you been faced with a prospect who you are convinced could benefit from your product or service, only to have them decline to buy? What do you do about it? If you are smart, you hang in there. Circumstances have a way of changing.

A friend of mine said there are two kinds of prospects that you will sell to - the inspired and the desperate. Whether they are inspired or desperate, something has caused them to decide that where they are now is not where they want to be. That's where sales are made - when the status quo is seen - by the prospect - as no longer an acceptable place to stay.

So the real challenge is to work with the prospect to uncover situations where change can be identified as good, and the status quo unacceptable, and the potential for gain exceeds the risk of loss. Many times that isn't possible - at least in the short term. But those special four letters from Mandino's book, The Greatest Salesman In The World, come back to me - "This too shall pass." You gotta stay in play. How often have you seen things turn around and what seemed impossible one day becomes not just possible but necessary the next?

That's where the sales person that understands the Status Quo as the real competition will prosper, and the one that doesn't - that sees today's rejection as personal, or absolute, will fail.

Stay in the game.

Written by Andrew Cox, President
Cox Consulting Group LLC, 4049 E Vista Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Ph: 602-795-4100; Fax: 602-795-4800; E Mail:; Website:
Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

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