Friday, April 03, 2009

Three Keys To Finding Success

What do Peter Drucker, Jack and Suzy Welch and my college friend have in common when it comes to defining the keys to success? Read on to see how three very different perspectives and values can all be used to define the keys to success.

Peter Drucker said nothing is as worthless as doing well something that doesn't need to be done at all.

Jack and Suzy Welch, in their weekly “The Welchway” column in Business Week advised a questioner – a self described introvert - to release his inner extrovert if he wanted greater success in a large organization.

A college friend of mine was absolutely committed to being a salesman – even though his relational skills were close to non existent, and his overpowering obligation to tell all the truth all the time and at great length cost him all kinds of possibilities. He's had many, many sales jobs that just didn't work out.

What do the Peter Drucker statement, the Jack and Suzy Welch advice, and my college friends failures have in common? They deal with three key elements required to achieve success:

1 - Success is found where the work being done is perceived to be of high value.
2 - Success is found where success can be defined
3 - Success is found where strengths in behaviors, motivators and personal skills match work requirements - where doing what you are good at matches what needs to be done and how it is to be done.

1 - Establishing High Value

Drucker was right. If what is being done well is seen as not having value, then regardless how well it's done, it doesn't matter.. How often do we hear people complain that they are not appreciated for what they do? This happens most often in organizations where goals are not clearly stated.- where the importance of work is not made clear. But the burden of establishing the value of the work being done is the burden of the person doing the work. Why? Because they are the person most affected by the perception of the value of their work. It's in their self interest to advertise and promote what they're doing as worthy and valuable to the enterprise. Each person should be able, in thirty seconds, to explain what they do and its value to their organization. Not being prepared to do that creates the perception of low value. Its like the three bricklayers working on a new school. The first, when asked what he does said “ I lay brick.” The second said “I'm helping build a school.” The third said “I am am contributing to the building of a place where children in our community will learn – a learning place.” Same job, same outcome - three very different pictures of value added.

2 - Defining Success

A good friend was in a new position promoting a new enterprise that was going to open its doors in about a year. Her job was to promote and develop interest and commitment in this new enterprise in its target market. She did an excellent job of promotion – she was convinced of the rightness of her approach. At the same time, she was working independent of any direct supervision. She was advised to develop a monthly or weekly report to communicate her activities and accomplishments. She thought that was too much like self promotion, and, besides, she didn't like doing that kind of work. So her bosses really had only sporadic anecdotal information on which to judge her effectiveness. Had she put together a routine of reporting, created a vision of what she was doing and defined success for her bosses, she would have been seen as highly effective and successful – because she was. But no one was in a position to evaluate her success – and her relationships suffered. The work she was doing was important and of high value – but she didn't allow for it to be seen by others.

3 - Doing What You Are Good At Where It Will Be Valued

Many an A player in one situation ends up not succeeding in another. The cause?
Making the assumption that what worked at one place will work at another and not making sure motivators, values, behaviors and personal skills match the requirements of the new enterprise. It's amazing how often that happens – from both an individual and an organizational standpoint.

Three examples:

1 - The salesperson in a transactional sales job who prides himself on his relationship skills. The organization measures success on the number of prospects contacted and sold - one contact, one sale is the ideal. The salesman sees his success in the quality of his sales. His value and his behavior are at variance with the expectations of his company. Chances of his being successful in that environment without adapting – very low.

2 - A manager whose experiences and values have resulted in her being very successful as a planner and preparer. . She now works in a mid size company where speed to market is an absolute value. She insists that everything be planned and prepared so that there will be 100% success at implementation. Chances of success in that environment without adapting – very low.

3 - A manager whose motivators and values are to support tradition and process now works in an organization that prides itself on its seat of the pants, ready – fire – aim approach Chances for success in that environment without adapting – very low.

The thread that runs through all the keys is the requirement for the individual, not the organization, to take the lead to see that all three keys are met. They need to define the value of what they do to the organization. They need to define success as the basis for discussion and understanding. They need to do what they are good at, and determine what new skills are needed to adapt and be successful in different environments.

Take a measure of where you are today in relation to these three keys. Then take the actions that come from your analysis to ensure greater success – however you define success.
Written by Andy Cox, President

Cox Consulting Group, 4049 E Vista Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Ph: 602-795-4100; Fax: 602-795-4800; E Mail:;; Blog:

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